Vision E-Line Fires are more than just a standard electric fireplace. They create the ultimate fireplace experience. There is a lot to it – every single detail has to be just right. Perfection down to the very last detail. High-quality standard glass is included with all appliances excluding the VEL40.
Standard Glass
Why not upgrade to True View Anti-reflective Glass?
Create that authentic ‘fireplace’ feel with the help of our True View Anti-reflective Glass. Nothing stands between you and the flames besides a barely visible layer of glass. Get ready for the ultimate experience. With a fire that radiates like never before with glass that no longer acts as a mirror. True View Anti-reflective glass is available as an optional extra on all appliances excluding the VEL40.
Standard Glass
The high-quality standard glass is included with all appliances including inset, corner and panoramic.
True View ARG Glass
Available across all the Vision E-Line range, True View ARG is a premium feature that cleverly gives the illusion that there is no glass between the fire and you, creating an even more authentic experience.